Friday, December 19, 2014

Day 25

Since we had the test yesterday, today is a sort of anti-climax. We simply worked in the kitchen for the students' lunch.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Day 24

Today is test day.

The practical features 2 simple dishes we've done before - the stewed chicken with chestnuts and deep fried dory fish.

I brought my thermometer for the deep fry. But our chef reminded me that the probe is not where the fish is (the tip is deep in oil while the fish tended to float). So visual cues on the frying is still vital to determine if the oil is hot enough. Nevertheless, the thermometer was useful as a relative gauge of the heat of the oil.

Our class photo

Day 23

Half the class  having their practical assessment. My half of the class is doing OJT (on the job training), where basically we get to help out in the main kitchen catering to the school lunch (prob 100+ students, not counting those who have their own product to consume).

It was rather relaxing and fun actually. Just follow instructions from the chef and do prep etc. I also got to operate the oven for the chicken (today's lunch was Nasi Lemak).

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 20-22

Putting 3 days worth of post into one. Not much worth reporting that isn't basically a repeat. 

Day 20 was Chinese (steamed cold chicken, stewed chicken with chestnuts, braised mushrooms), day 21 was Malaysian/Nonya (sayur lodeh, assam fish, chicken curry), and day 22 was Singapore (cantonese style steamed fish, bubur cha cha, stewed chicken with fermented bean paste).

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day 19

Today is Indian moist heat. Did pulao (rice), fish curry and Aloo Gobi.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Day 18

Today was Thai Moist Heat lesson. We did a cabbage wrapped roll (not too bad if we have less cabbage and more filling - the chef later told me with more skilled cooks, they'd cut out the stem altogether and wrap more thin), a Thai style otah, and a pumpkin pudding. The meatball soup is just our leftover filling made into a soup.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Day 17

Today was Western "moist heat". We did a beef goulash, poached salmon, boiled potatoes, brocolli.

All rather uninteresting to me.

But the chef did give us a chance to do some basic skills as extras. Like poached eggs and hollandaise sauce.

I passed on the poached eggs and tried hollandaise. Was a success, but someone threw it out by mistake! Hollandaise is supposed to be chancy to do.

I later found a idiot proof method. And I tried it out - it works.
