Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day 4

Still on theory plus got some show and tell on the equipment in the kitchens.

Our chef instructor also spent a lot of time just chit chatting. Or rather him mainly expounding. But there was quite a bit of foodie/technique talk (mostly on baking though due to the other group). All in bits and pieces.

Some interesting asides.
- you want to find out if your oven has cold spots? Just put a layer of white bread on a tray and put it in the oven and bake (say at 180C). After a while, take it out and note the pattern of browning.

- Rationale and Eloma make good ovens. (but the instructor did say, just buy one of the common brands.).

Got my knife kit today, but slight disappointment, I think I'd rather buy my own. oh well. Still an improvement on my home chef knife which I've been using for years.

Though tomorrow is not a cooking day yet, chef asked us to bring a little something from home that we made. 

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